Today was the day of that we changed companies, but the head of my company had a doctor's appointment, so I worked later, but when I arrived, they gave me a laptop for me to work, and a desk with a 24-inch screen, the only problem is that the laptop has Ubuntu operating system, and I did not understand much, but I started to learn it, and I was all the time trying to install Android Studio, while I was learning other things.
O almoço foi na telepizza, comi uma pizza mediana, e mesmo assim encheu, depois disso fomos dormir a sesta, porque está tudo fechado a partir de um certo ponto, por isso não há muito para visitar nessa hora.
O jantar foi outra vez no restaurante "La masia", desta vez comi secretos, que estava delicioso.
Lunch was at Telepizza, ate a median pizza, and yet it filled me, after that we took a nap because everything, every shop was closed from at that point, so there is not much to see or to do at that time.
Dinner was again in "La Masia" restaurant, this time I ate pork, which was delicious.
E depois fomos dormir mais cedo, pois amanhã vamos a Almería reunir com o resto do grupo .
And then we went to sleep earlier, for tomorrow we go to Almería meet up with the rest of the group.
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