sábado, 16 de maio de 2015

Primeiro dia | First day

As 7 da manhã, nós partimos de Loulé para Lisboa de comboio, durou umas boas 2 horas, estava ainda meio a dormir, passei o tempo a jogar um bocadino no meu telemóvel e a olhar para as paisagens.


At 7 am, we traveled from Loulé to Lisbon by train, it took two good hours, I was still half asleep, but I spent some time playing a bit on my phone and looking at the Landscape.

Depois de chegarmos a estação de Lisboa, nós fomos para o aeroporto de Lisboa e chegamos lá cerca das 10 horas, ficamos á espera aproximadamente 4 horas a espera do portão do check-in,
que abriu as 14:00. O tempo passa e logo entramos no avião para ir a Madrid. O voo durou cerca de 1 hora para chegar lá.


 After we got to the train station in Lisbon, we went to the airport of Lisbon and we got there around 10 am. we waited about 4 hours for the check-in gate to open, which opened at 14:00. Time passes by and then we got on the plane to go to Madrid. The flight took about an hour to get there. 

Chegamos a Madrid pelas 18 e tal e depois de chegarmos fizemos umas quantas viagens de metro e acabamos por chegar na Playa del Sol, a primeira coisa que eu reparei logo
foram as pessoas, havia tantas pessoas, e tão diferentes, tantos estilos de vida e culturas diferentes, e foi como se fosse normal, enquanto nos sitios onde eu vivo, é raro encontrar pessoas tão diferentes.

Após de nos termos chegado aos nossos quarto, no Hostal Playa 2, com 2 estrelas, o Diogo, o Alexandre e Eu, ficamos no quarto numero 7,  um quarto compacto com 3 camas, mas
bom suficiente para nós os três.


We arrived at about 18 PM in Madrid and we had had to ake a few subway trips and ended up arriving at the Playa del Sol, the first thing I noticed was the people, there were so many diferent people, so many different lifestyles and cultures, and it was as if it were normal, while in places where I live, it is rare to find such people.

After getting in our rooms at the 2-star Hostal Playa 2, Diogo, Alexandre and I stayed in room number 7, a compact room with 3 beds, but good enough for us three.

Depois de ficarmos um bocado no quarto fomos jantar no MacDonalds, muito original. E depois fomos assistir a um concerto que estava a dar de uma banda espanhola, estava muita gente mas foi fixe. Depois de andarmos as voltas pelo concerto e depois encontrarmos com os professores, decidimos voltar ao hostal, so para ir buscar os casacos, e fomos celebrar a os anos da Cindy(que foi surpresa), fomos a um que estava a dar um espetáculo de Flamenco, e fiquei muito
fascinado com essa arte, gostei muito. Depois disso voltamos para o hostal para recarregar as energias para o proximo dia.


After being a bit in the room, we went to eat dinner at MacDonalds, very original. And then we watched a concert, it was a spanish band playing, and the crowd was huge, but it was cool. After walking around at the concert, we meeting up with the teachers, we decided to go back to the hostel, to get our coats, and then we celebrated Cindy's birthday (which was a suprise to her), we went to a restaurant which was holding a Flamenco show, and I was very fascinated by this art, I really enjoyed it. After that we returned to the hostel to recharge our energies for the next day.

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