I started the day helping set up a desktop, then I had to help find programs to a computer and also its drivers. I also got know the Spanish keyboard.
Depois do almoco, que foi no hostel, os professores informaram-nos que o Alexandre e Eu mudaríamos de empresa, pois a empresa do Alexandre tem mais programação, e a minha tinha mais hardware, o contrário dos nossos cursos, e seria muito melhor para a nossa aprendizagem.
After lunch, which was at the hostel, our teachers informed us that Alexandre an I would change companies because Alexandre's the company has more programming, and mine had more hardware, the opposite of our courses, and it would be better for our knowledge.
O dia está nublado em El Ejido |
And the dinner was at the Kebab, and it had pork meat, it was filled, and tomorrow, another day of work.
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